Campaign 2100 Front FinalI’ve had four nice sales recently. Feb. 23 was a banner day as I made my first sale to Analog, as well as my 13th to Galaxy’s Edge!

  • Analog: “The Plaything on the Tesseract Wall” (sold on Feb. 23, will be in the Sept/Oct issue))
  • Galaxy’s Edge: “Plop Plop” (sold on Feb. 23)
  • Terror Politico Anthology: “I’ve Been Waiting For You” (sold on Jan. 28)
  • Third Flatiron: “Five Billion Pounds of Soul” (sold on Jan. 14) – available at Amazon

I recently bought the rights to, so my science fiction & fantasy web page is either that or – they are identical.

This July I’ll be attending “The Never-Ending Odyssey,” an annual 9-day writing workshop by graduates of the Odyssey Writing Workshop. (I’m a 2006 graduate of the six-week program.) As part of this we’ll each get to send in three stories or chapters for critique. I just sent in my first one, and now have six that I have to read and critique. I’ve already done two. In addition to critiquing, we also have a number of “Master Level” writing course we teach ourselves. This year’s focus is “Learning from Top Pros.”

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