Lancer Kind did a four-part podcast interview of me at Sci-Fi Thoughts. In the interviews I talk about the importance of IDEAs in science fiction, and argue that, while many say “Character is king,” I think they should be at least equal.They range from about 6-10 minutes long.
On a side note, I’ve had some recent sales and publications.
- In August I sold “Blood Wars” to Galaxy’s Edge. (I have another story coming out in their Sept/Oct issue, “Death for the Cure: A Comedy about Cancer.”)
- In July I sold “High Plains Centaur” to New Myths.
- In June I sold “Back to Reality” to Alternative Apocalypses. That anthology comes out at the World Science Fiction Convention in Dublin, Ireland, Aug. 15-19 – I’ll be there! (B Cubed Press also created the anthology “Alternative Truths: Endgame,” which came out in late May with two stories by me, “The Ballad of Cadet Bone Spurs” and “The Great White Wall” – yeah, Trump satires!)
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