Campaign 2100 Front FinalCampaign 2100: Game of Scorpions is on sale! But only for a few days. From my publisher (World Weaver Press), “From January 17 to January 24, 2017, we’re running a Kindle Countdown deal for the ebook version of CAMPAIGN 2100: GAME OF SCORPIONS: get it for 99¢ until January 20th, or $2.99 until January 24th.

They’re calling it the “What Have We Done?” Inauguration Day Sale. What’s the connection? The opening line to the novel is, “What have I done?”, the thoughts of regretful campaign director Toby as the guy he put into office is sworn into office as president of Earth (in the year 2100). Four years later he’ll be running for president against the guy he put in office, with an “impossible” third-party moderate challenge! (Did I mention that the world has adopted the American two-party electoral system?)

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