Monthly Archives: January 2017


Campaign 2100: Game of Scorpions – “What Have We Done?” Inauguration Day Sale


Campaign 2100 Front FinalCampaign 2100: Game of Scorpions is on sale! But only for a few days. From my publisher (World Weaver Press), “From January 17 to January 24, 2017, we’re running a Kindle Countdown deal for the ebook version of CAMPAIGN 2100: GAME OF SCORPIONS: get it for 99¢ until January 20th, or $2.99 until January 24th.

They’re calling it the “What Have We Done?” Inauguration Day Sale. What’s the connection? The opening line to the novel is, “What have I done?”, the thoughts of regretful campaign director Toby as the guy he put into office is sworn into office as president of Earth (in the year 2100). Four years later he’ll be running for president against the guy he put in office, with an “impossible” third-party moderate challenge! (Did I mention that the world has adopted the American two-party electoral system?)

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Campaign 2100: Game of Scorpions Reviewed in Mensa!


Campaign 2100 Front FinalCampaign 2100: Game of Scorpions just got a nice review in the January, 2017 issue of the Mensa Bulletin! From the column “Page Turners,” by Caroline McCullagh (which includes a picture of the cover), page 23:

If you’re not burned out on politics, another interesting novel is Campaign 2100: Game of Scorpions by Larry Hodges. It’s a good read. The book is about the campaign for president of the United States of Earth in the year 2100. It starts out as you might expect, a well-written novel about the twists and turns in a political contest as an erstwhile campaign manager, Toby Platt, decides to make a third-party challenge to the Liberal and Conservative parties. It takes a turn into something completely different with the arrival of a space ship piloted by a single female astronaut named Twenty-two, who claims to be an ambassador from the Galactic Union.

Toby’s main opponent is his previous employer, the sitting president, Corbin DuBois, who is running for re-election. DuBois’s campaign is now being run by Toby’s daughter, Lara, who knows all Toby’s tricks and then some. Toby’s best friend and now campaign manager is Bruce Sims, a ping-pong champion, which is a nice segue into the fact that the author, Larry Hodges, has written a number of other books, most of them about table tennis technique. We sure have a lot of interesting people in Mensa.

It’s also been reviewed in the SF Crow’s Nest and in Abyss & Apex:

SF Crow’s Nest: “There are so many good things in this novel that I’m bursting to share them but that would spoil it for the first time reader.” “Anyway, it’s a marvellous book. Easy reading, fast-paced, lots of surprise plot twists, likeable heroes, a loveable alien and a gripping climax that takes the election right to the wire. Highly recommended.”

Abyss & Apex: “Larry Hodges is a master of irony and slips in enough humor that it’s a great ride.”

It’s also been reviewed ten times at – seven 5-star and three 4-star. It has a perfect 5.0 rating on Goodreads (three ratings). And while I’m at it, here are two blurbs!

“Larry Hodges is an insightful political commentator and a kick-ass science-fiction writer. A dynamite novel full of twists and turns; this futuristic House of Cards is both entertaining and thought-provoking.”
Robert J. Sawyer, Hugo  and Nebula Award-winning author of Quantum Night

“A tense, taut political thriller that rings much truer than you would suspect, given that it won’t be happening for another eight decades.”
Mike Resnick, 5-time Hugo winner, record 37-time nominee, and editor of Galaxy’s Edge

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